Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fast becoming the cornerstone of business analytics, allowing companies to generate value from the ever-growing datasets generated by today’s business processes. At the same time, the sheer volume and velocity of data demand high-performance computing (HPC) to provide the power needed to effectively train AIs, do AI inferencing, and run analytics. According to Hyperion Research, HPC-enabled AI, growing at more than 30 percent, is projected to be a $3.5 billion market in 2024.

This rising confluence of HPC and AI is being driven by businesses and organisations honing their competitive edge in the global marketplace as digital transformation is accelerated and brought to the next level through IT transformation processes.

“We’re seeing HPC-enabled AI on the rise because it extracts and refines data quicker and more accurately. This naturally leads to faster and richer insights, in turn enabling better business outcomes and facilitates new breakthroughs and better differentiation in products and services while driving greater cost savings,” said Mike Yang, President at Quanta Cloud Technology, better known as QCT.

While HPC and AI are expected to benefit most industries, the fields of healthcare, manufacturing and higher education and research (HER) and Finance stand to gain perhaps the most due to the high-intensity nature of the workloads involved.

Application of HPC-enabled AI in the fields of next-generation sequencing, medical imaging and molecular dynamics have the potential to speed drug discoveries and improve patient care procedures and outcomes. In manufacturing, finite element analysis, computer vision, electronic design automation and computer-aided design are facilitated by AI and HPC to speed product development, while analysis generated from Internet-of-Things (IoT) data can streamline supply chains, enhance predictive maintenance regimes and automate manufacturing processes. HER utilises technology to explore fields such as dynamic structure analysis, weather prediction, fluid dynamics and quantum chemistry in an ongoing quest to solve global problems like climate change and achieve breakthroughs and deeper exploration through cosmology and astrophysics.    

Optimising HPC and AI Workloads

The AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms underlying these business and scientific advances have become significantly more complex, delivering faster yet more accurate results, but at the cost of significantly more computational power. The key challenge now facing organisations is building HPC, AI, HPC-enabled AI, and HPC-AI converged workloads—while shortening project implementation time. Ultimately, this will allow researchers, engineers, and scientists to concentrate fully on their research.

IT support would also need to actively manage their HPC and AI infrastructure, leveraging the right profiling tool for optimisation of HPC and AI workloads. Optimised HPC/AI infrastructure should deliver the right resources at the right time for researchers and developers to accelerate computational processes.

In addition, understanding workload demands and optimising performance helps IT avoid additional workload and extra labour for finetuning, significantly reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO). To optimise HPC and AI workloads effectively and quickly, organisations can consider the following steps:

Identify key workload applications and data used by the customer, as well as the customer’s expectations and pain pointsDesign infrastructure and building the cluster, ensuring that hardware and software stack can support the workloadsContinue the process of always adjusting and finetuning

QCT leverages Intel’s profiling tool Intel Granulate gProfiler to reveal the behaviour of the workload before tapping its deep own deep expertise to analyse the behaviour and design a fine-tuning plan to help with optimisation. Through this process, organisations can ensure rapid deployment, simplified management, and optimised integrations—all at cost savings.

AI continues to offer transformational solutions for businesses and organisations, but the growing complexity of datasets and algorithms is driving greater demand on HPC to enable these power-intensive workloads. Workload optimisation effectively enhances the process and, at the heart of it, enables professionals in their fields to focus on their research to drive industry breakthroughs and accelerate innovation.

To discover how workload profiling can transform your business or organisation, click here.

Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, High-Performance Computing

Creating a seamless and secure customer experience from start to finish means listening to and embracing customers’ expectations, including offering the latest in digital payment capabilities. In fact, consumers are 63% more likely to shop with merchants that offer their preferred payment options.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a shift in consumer expectations, including a rise in popularity for multichannel shopping options. At the heart of this popularity is ease of use: the ability to initiate and conclude transactions with little or no data entry; multiple mobile and digital payment options; and choices around in-store or curbside pickup and delivery.

The 2022 Global Digital Shopping Index from Cybersource, a Visa solution, clearly showcases U.S. consumers’ evolving behaviors and expectations:

39% of local shoppers—a projected 64 million U.S. consumers—now use their smartphones at least once during their shopping journeys, whether to order online for delivery, use an app to locate items in-store and/or pay with digital wallets at the point of sale28%—or roughly 26 million Americans—use their smartphones to enhance in-store shopping experiences11% who ordered online received their most recent eCommerce purchases via curbside pickup47% of those who pick up their orders in-store wind up purchasing more products in the store during that trip

Giving more choice to consumers will go a long way to building brand loyalty. For example, by offering shopping applications and mobile-friendly web pages, shoppers get incentives via notifications on their smartphones with promotional codes, coupons, in-store discounts, and free shipping for digital purchases.

The need for “protect me” features

Digital wallets have emerged as a popular online payment option because they increase the ease and simplicity of transactions by storing a consumer’s payment information and enabling “one-click” purchases. Often, digital wallets also leverage solutions to protect sensitive payment data.

In addition to wanting their sensitive payment data protected during transactions, consumers are looking for post-purchase security with “protect me” features. These types of features include secure data storage, frictionless dispute resolution, and simple returns. Ultimately, according to the Index, what matters most to consumers is knowing that:

Retailers will refund fraudulent chargesRefunds will get credited in-store or onlineReturns can be in-store or through mail (and that mail returns are free)Customer support is available 24/7 via multiple channels (phone calls, online chat, text, email)

By offering these consumer-friendly options, retailers can increase trust, confidence, and greater brand loyalty among customers. That loyalty serves as a critical building block that will pay off in long-term relationships and revenue growth.

It’s possible to deliver these capabilities with a digital-first approach. Cybersource helps businesses enhance their customer experiences with a feature-rich platform. It includes automated fraud protection and easy tech integrations to offer customers multiple digital payment options across channels. The platform also ensures the security of sensitive payment data for improved compliance and data security.

According to Eric Ritger, eCommerce operations lead at Harley-Davidson, “We needed to allow the customer to buy how they want to buy—and pay how they want to pay. Partnering with Cybersource makes that possible.”

Learn more about Cybersource here.  

IT Leadership

Technology is hardly the only industry experiencing hiring challenges at the moment, but resignations in tech still rank among the highest across all industries, with a 4.5% increase in resignations in 2021 compared with 2020, according to Harvard Business Review.

For the most part, these employees aren’t leaving the industry altogether; they’re moving to companies that can offer them what they want. Flexible schedules and work-life balance? 

Absolutely. Higher salaries? Of course. But one of the primary reasons why people in tech, particularly developers, switch or consider switching roles is because they want more opportunities to learn. Developers don’t want to quit: they want to face new challenges, acquire new skills, and find new ways to solve problems.

Ensuring access to learning and growth opportunities is part of the mandate for tech leaders looking to attract and retain the best people. A culture of continuous learning that encourages developers to upskill and reskill will also give your employees every opportunity to deliver more value to your organization.

Read on to learn how and why expanding access to learning helps you build higher-performing teams and a more inherently resilient organization.

Developers want more learning opportunities — and leadership should listen

Giving developers opportunities to learn has a major, positive impact on hiring, retention, and team performance. According to a Stack Overflow pulse survey, more than 50% of developers would consider leaving a job because it didn’t offer enough chances for learning and growth, while a similar percentage would stick with a role because it did offer these opportunities. And 50% percent of developers report that access to learning opportunities contributes to their happiness at work.

Yet most developers feel they don’t get enough time at work to devote to learning. Via a Twitter poll, Stack Overflow found that, when asked how much time they get at work to learn, nearly half of developers (46%) said “hardly any or none.” Considering that more than 50% of developers would consider leaving a job if it didn’t offer enough learning time, it’s clear that one way to help solve hiring and retention challenges is to give employees more chances to pick up new skills and evolve existing ones.

How can tech leaders and managers solve for this? One key is to create an environment where employees feel psychologically safe investing time in learning and asking for more time when they need it. High-pressure environments tend to emphasize wasted time (“How much time did you waste doing that?”) instead of invested time (“I invested 10 hours this week in learning this”). In this context, plenty of employees are afraid to ask about devoting work time to learning.

Company leadership and team managers can make this easier by consistently communicating the value of learning and modeling a top-down commitment to continuous learning. Executives and senior leaders can share their knowledge with employees through fireside chats and AMAs to underscore the importance of this culture shift. Managers should take the same approach with their teams. You can’t expect your more junior employees to invest time in learning if you haven’t made it clear, at every level of your organization, that learning matters.

Expanding learning opportunities improves team performance and organizational resiliency

Elevating the importance of learning helps sustain performance and competency in your engineering teams. But it does more than improve retention or team-level performance: it also builds organizational resiliency.

Some of your employees are always going to leave: to seek new adventures, to combat burnout or boredom, to make more money. Leadership no longer has the luxury of hiring for a specific skill and then considering that area covered forever. Technology and technology companies are changing too fast for that. Retaining talent is certainly important, but ultimately leaders should be focused on creating organizations that are resilient rather than fragile. The loss of one or two key individuals shouldn’t impede the progress of multiple teams or disrupt the organization as a whole.

There’s nothing you can do to completely eliminate turnover, but you can take steps to make your organization more resilient when turnover inevitably occurs:

Ensure that your teams don’t break when people leave. Incorporating more opportunities to learn into your developers’ working lives helps offset the knowledge and productivity losses that can happen when employees move on, taking their expertise with them. How many times have you heard a variation of this exchange: “How does this system/tool work?” “I don’t know; go ask [expert].” But what happens when that expert leaves? Resilient teams and organizations don’t stumble over the loss of a few key people.Give employees access to the learning opportunities they want. As we’ve said, developers prize roles that allow them to learn on the job. Access to learning opportunities is a major factor they weigh when deciding whether to leave a current job or accept a new one. Expanding learning opportunities for developers makes individual employees happier and more valuable to the organization while increasing organizational resiliency.Avoid asking your high-performers to do all the teaching. Implicitly or explicitly asking your strongest team members to serve as sources of truth and wisdom for your entire team is a bad idea. It sets your experts up for unhappiness and burnout, factors likely to push them out the door. Create a system where both new and seasoned employees can self-serve information so they can unstick themselves when they get stuck.

Four steps to prioritize learning and attract/retain high-performance teams

When it comes to learning, there are four major steps you can take to attract and retain the best talent and increase organizational resiliency.

1. Surface subject matter experts.

Your team has questions? Chances are, someone at your company has answers. There are experts (and potential experts) throughout your organization whose knowledge can eliminate roadblocks and improve processes. Your challenge is to uncover these experts — and plant the seeds for future experts by giving your employees time to learn new skills and investigate new solutions.

Lower the barrier to entry by making it fast, simple, and intuitive for people to contribute to your knowledge platform. Keep in mind that creating asynchronous paths for your employees to find and connect with experts enables knowledge sharing without creating additional distractions or an undue burden for those experts.

How Stack Overflow for Teams surfaces subject matter experts:

Spotlights subject matter experts (SMEs) across teams and departments to connect people with questions to people with answersEnables upskilling and reskilling by allowing teams and individuals to learn from one anotherAsynchronous communication allows employees to ask and answer questions without disrupting their established workflowsQ&A format lowers barriers to contribution and incentivizes users to explore and contribute to knowledge resources

2. Capture and preserve knowledge

Establishing practices to capture and preserve information is essential for making learning scale. The goal is to convert individual learnings and experiences into institutional knowledge that informs best practices so that everyone, and the organization as a whole, can benefit. That knowledge should be easily discoverable and its original context preserved for future knowledge-seekers. To capture and preserve knowledge effectively, you also need to make it easy for users to engage with your knowledge platform.

How Stack Overflow for Teams captures and preserves knowledge:

Collects knowledge continuously to preserve information and context without disrupting developers’ workflowsMakes knowledge searchable, so employees can self-serve answers to their questions and find solutions others have already worked outCompared with technical documentation, Q&A format requires a shorter time investment for both people with questions and people with answers

3. Make information centralized and accessible

The good news is that nobody at your company has to know everything. They just need to know where to find it. After all, knowledge is only valuable if people can locate it when they need it. That’s why knowledge resources should be easy to find, retrieve, and share across teams.

This is particularly critical as your organization scales: new hires can teach themselves the ropes without requiring extensive, synchronous communication with more seasoned employees who already have plenty of responsibilities and find themselves answering the same questions over and over again.

How Stack Overflow for Teams makes information centralized and accessible:

Makes information easy to locate, access, and shareSpeeds up onboarding and shortens time-to-value for new hiresAllows users to make meaningful contributions to knowledge resources without investing huge amounts of time or interrupting their flow state

4. Keep knowledge healthy and resilient

Knowledge isn’t immune to its own kind of tech debt. The major problem with static documentation is that the instant you hit Save, your content has started its steady slide toward being out of date. Like code, regardless of its scale, information must be continually maintained in order to deliver its full value.

Keeping content healthy — that is, fresh, accurate, and up-to-date — is essential. When your knowledge base is outdated or incomplete, employees start to lose trust in your knowledge. 

Once trust starts eroding, people stop contributing to your knowledge platform, and it grows even more outdated. Since SMEs are often largely responsible for ensuring that content is complete, properly edited, and consistently updated, keeping content healthy can be yet another heavy burden on these individuals. That’s why a crowdsourced platform that encourages the community to curate, update, and improve content is so valuable.

How Stack Overflow for Teams keeps knowledge healthy and resilient:

Our Content Health feature intelligently surfaces knowledge that might be outdated, inaccurate, or untrustworthy, encouraging more engagement and ensuring higher-quality knowledge resourcesContent is curated, updated, and maintained by the community, reducing the burden on SMEsThe platform automatically spotlights the most valuable, relevant information as employees vote on the best answers, thereby increasing user confidence in your knowledge

Resiliency requires learning

You can’t build a resilient organization without putting learning at the center of how your teams operate. Not only is offering access to learning and growth opportunities a requirement for attracting and retaining top talent, but fostering a culture of continuous learning protects against knowledge loss, keeps individuals and teams working productively, and encourages employees to develop skills that will make them even more valuable to your organization.

To learn more about Stack Overflow for Teams, visit us here

IT Leadership