Like its predecessors, COP27 offered mixed results. As the conference’s detractors have long lamented, if COPs were truly effective, we wouldn’t have needed 27 of them. Still, there are some genuine marks of progress to celebrate. A landmark “loss and damage” fund will come as welcome news for the many vulnerable countries that have been disproportionately affected by climate change. But compensating for damage isn’t the same as preventing it, and the continued reluctance of major nations to outlaw or even cut back on fossil fuel projects suggests there will be no shortage of fresh damage in the future.

Welcome as public discussions around climate change like COP may be, words alone are insufficient. Until leaders start turning promises into actionable policies, each conference will be marred by the sense that more could have been done. One of the great frustrations is that tangible solutions exist. They are fully formed, just waiting for forward-thinking leaders to put them into practice. City and business decision makers serious about demonstrating their sustainable credentials have an obligation – and an opportunity – to turn the tide.

One of those tangible solutions is LED lighting conversion. It’s also one of the easiest and most overlooked means of making measurable progress toward climate goals quickly. For example, if a mid-sized industrial town upgraded all of its approximately 1,000,000 conventional light points to LED, carbon emissions could potentially be reduced by over 18,000 tons of CO2 per year—equivalent to the amount of CO2 saved by taking 7,000 fossil-fueled cars off the road.

The good

The new “loss and damage” fund is by a distance the most important development to emerge from this year’s COP. It ensures that countries from the developing world that have borne the brunt of climate change, despite being only minor contributors to it, will receive help from many of the world’s largest emitters.

There was skepticism going into the conference as to whether such a bill really stood a chance of being accepted by the power players. The United States was expected to oppose any measures that might leave it financially liable for its enormous historical emissions, but after the EU pivoted toward supporting the measure, the US followed suit – a win that should not be overlooked.

However, it’s worth tempering any tendency to celebrate by pointing out there’s still the crucial matter of deciding exactly who will be paying what to whom, a task reserved for future COPs. Strong but so-called transition economies like China and India may be reluctant to agree they owe as much as more established superpowers like the US. Also, while these measures will have a huge positive impact in dealing with climate change’s effects, they do nothing to halt its causes.

Another less reported win is the commitment to deliver the trillions of dollars needed to drastically cut emissions and help societies adapt to the increasingly severe impacts of climate disruption. Suggested reforms within multilateral development banks (MDBs) and international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank would see more investment in green initiatives and renewable energy, as opposed to funneling further funding into detrimental fossil fuel endeavors.

The bad

The mood in general was low heading into COP27. The triumphalism that coloured some aspects of COP26 had long since faded in the glare of the 2022 energy crisis. Prices soared, citizens felt the squeeze, and leaders from around the world who had proudly preached the need for sustainable solutions in simpler times were quick to walk back their promises.

So too did COP27 walk back pledges made in Glasgow a year earlier. New wording added to that conference’s final agreement calls for the accelerated development of “low-emission” energy systems. Experts warn this diluted language is a very intentional way of leaving the door open to further natural gas development.

Agreements around phasing down coal were made at COP26, but no further progress was made at COP27. The burning of fossil fuels remains the heel on our planet’s throat, and leaders seem reluctant to alleviate the pressure. As noted by Dave Reay, policy director at ClimateXChange and executive director at Edinburgh Climate Change Institute, “COP27 seems to have been more a case of trying to prevent backsliding on what was agreed at COP26 in Glasgow a year ago, rather than getting new and stronger ambition and action on reducing emissions.”

The ugly

Leaders continue to talk about their commitment to the Paris Agreement’s main goal of limiting global heating to no more than 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. But this increasingly feels like a pipe dream. Even limiting warming to a 2° C rise seems more unlikely with each passing year. Keeping the promises made in Paris would require a 43% cut in global greenhouse emissions by 2030. Current policies are on track to cut only around 0.3% by that date.

The results of further inaction are clear. They can be seen everywhere from Bangladesh and Pakistan to Australia and California. So, what can be done now that will make a difference?

The things we can control

Lighting accounts for 13% of all electricity usage worldwide and 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cities account for about 78% of global energy consumption, and lighting accounts for around 40% of that. Too often lighting is overlooked as a sustainable solution but transitioning to connected LED is a sure-fire way to reduce emissions and benefit from immediate energy savings – as much as 80% over conventional non-connected lighting.

If the EU switched all the existing conventional light points in its 27 member countries to LED, it would save around €65 billion per year — money that could be spent on developing sustainable energy and other initiatives while also relieving the burden on citizens struggling to pay their energy bills.

What about on a bigger scale? A global switch to LED could see energy consumption drop by 5% globally by 2030, even while the total number of light points continues to rise.

Relying on an annual climate conference isn’t enough to stave off catastrophe. Action is needed now, by all of those with the power to enact change. Connected LED technology is here and available today — it’s proven, cost-effective, and relatively easy to deploy. Buildings and cities simply can’t achieve net zero or energy-neutral targets without it.

The barriers to switching connected LED lighting are low, especially with funding available from programmes such as the EU Green Deal and the IIJA in the US. It’s time to pick up the pace.

Learn more about the advantages of switching to public LED lighting here.

Green IT

From the 6 – 18 of November, the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh will play host to the largest annual gathering on climate action the world over: COP27. This year’s event marks the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, with COP27’s fundamental purpose to push the climate agenda forward with further development of the goals established in the landmark Paris Agreement of 2015.

This year’s conference will also be forced to contend with the fact the world has changed significantly in the year since COP26 in Glasgow. For the first time in more than 75 years a land war ravages Europe, with its consequences being felt around the globe. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent the energy market into unprecedented levels of turbulence. Meanwhile, global economic stability — already precarious in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic — has been pushed even closer to the brink.

These problems sit alongside the fact the number of climate-induced natural disasters continues to rise, with this year’s floods in Pakistan just the latest tragic example. Since 1950, the global number of floods has increased by a factor of fifteen and the number of wildfires by a factor of eight, making such events increasingly expected but no less devastating for those impacted. COP27 is tasked with finding solutions that will make clear and tangible progress towards mitigating climate disaster, with no time to lose. Commitments and pledges may be sincere and well-meaning, but without action they are futile. The time has come to follow through.

The transition to LED lighting is the solution we need

The concurrent crises of climate change, spiraling energy markets, and global economic insecurity are distinct but interlinked problems. Transitioning from energy-wasteful conventional lighting to energy-efficient LED lighting offers a solution with potentially massive benefits for all three issues, both now and in the future.

The ability of LED lighting to increase energy efficiency cannot be overstated, in most cases slashing consumption by well over 50% when compared with conventional alternatives. This number can rise to as high as 80% with connected LED lighting systems that offer smart system management, monitoring, and control. Lighting accounts for 13% of all electricity usage worldwide, and two-thirds of professional light points around the world are still conventional. The potential energy savings that could be realised by a global switch to LED are colossal and could see lighting-related energy consumption drop to 8% globally by 2030, even while the total number of light points continues to rise.

You may see those numbers, appreciate the clear benefits, and recognise that transitioning to LED is a smart move, but convince yourself now’s not the time. As the current state of global finances means you should be looking to save money, not spend it. The thing is, if you really want to save money, then transitioning is your best bet. The savings generated – in both the immediate and long-term future – are such that the question isn’t whether you can afford to make the switch, but whether you can afford not to.

If every city and business in the world converted all their conventional light points to LED, the savings in electricity costs would total €177 billion per year. In the residential sector, upgrading just the EU27’s 1.7 billion conventional light points to ultra-efficient LEDs could effectively generate electricity savings of 34.1 TWh. That’s equivalent to the annual consumption of 9.4 million households, or the electricity needed to charge over 10 million electric vehicles. In monetary terms, it’s tantamount to annual savings of over €11 billion. Switching all light points in the 27 EU member states, residential and otherwise, to LED could save around €65 billion a year. And a mid-sized municipality would be looking at energy savings of over €26 million a year.

These are numbers that should be inspiring decision-makers at COP27 to take action. An effective energy-saving technology exists and is readily available—and the cost to implement it is covered by the reduction in energy costs it enables. Especially within regions where public funding for climate initiatives has been made available, such as the Green Deal in the EU or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act in the US, as well as others elsewhere.

But the LED transition is not just about energy or fiscal savings. Decarbonization has long been a vital part of the climate agenda and COP27 is no different, with 11 November officially labelled as Decarbonization Day within the conference. Scores of powerful nations have made net zero pledges, and upgrading conventional light points to LED is a way to make progress toward fulfilling these promises quickly.

Those who have made pledges need to act on them now if they are serious about seeing them through, with the potential for large-scale decarbonization at the mercy of their decisiveness. For example, if all businesses and cities were to transition, it would take more than 553 million tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere. That’s equivalent to the amount of carbon that 25 billion trees sequester in a year. Too high a scale to consider? Let’s think smaller. In a city of 200,000 inhabitants, switching all conventional lighting to LED could reduce CO2 emissions by 18,000 tons per year, the equivalent to the yearly absorption of almost 850,000 trees.

It is time for everyone to adapt

Changes need to be made to the current policies and approaches of most COP27 attendees — and soon — if we are to avoid disaster. The talk has already been talked: it’s time to walk the green walk. COP27 provides the perfect opportunity for key decision-makers to demonstrate the commitment to moving beyond the conversational stage. It’s no longer about whether action should be taken but about actually implementing large-scale changes to long-standing counterproductive patterns of behavior, on an institutional, national, and international level. These changes must be made in an equitable manner — global solutions to global problems — with developing nations as much a part of the energy transition as the more established global players.

Act now

COP27 is a chance for world and business leaders to take the next step in the green energy transition, to move from making promises to seeing them through. Transitioning to energy-efficient LED lighting is a proven solution that reduces carbon output and energy consumption in a cost-efficient way. Cities, businesses, and individuals need to work with reliable technology partners who have demonstrated their commitment to the sustainable cause and the viability of their solutions.

These are turbulent times, rife with economic and ecological uncertainty. But it’s in times of darkness that we most need light.

To find out more click here.

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